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By registering for a class at Beza Ceramic Studio students and student guardians agree to the studio policies. Please ensure you have read, understood and accepted these Terms & Conditions before you book a class, workshop or course.


Cancellations for all classes, workshops and courses must be made in writing by email. Cancellations will be subject to the following fees.

Full refunds are offered if cancellation happens within 2 days before a class starts.

No refunds available after the class begins. It is free to transfer credits to another class or service as long as there is room available. A substitute attendee may be named by the booking party at any time.


We generally open the doors a few minutes before each class is due to start. Please do not turn up too early as you may have to wait while the studio is being prepared for your class to start. Please email the studio if you need to come in more than 10 minutes early.


Open studio hours are Sunday 1-6. Students enrolled in an adult class may come in to work independently during this time. 

No open studio for Kids Classes.


If you need to miss a class you may receive 2.5 hours extra open studio time with guided instruction.(Make up classes are limited to one make up per session).


Kids classes: All firing included

Adult long term classes: first firing is free 😊. Firing is .07 per cubic inch. This includes both bisque and glaze firing.

Private classes: One free firing per person per 2 hour private class. Additional pieces will be charged at .07 per cubic inch. 


After working, all surfaces should be cleaned of clay including wheels, splash pan, stools, the floor around you, buckets and communal tools. Please clean all borrowed tools and equipment thoroughly before returning. 

Clay, glaze and sedimentary materials are never to be poured down sinks in the studio. Please ensure that the correct bins are used when disposing of any materials.


No sanding or scraping of dry clay or glaze in the studio.

Most ceramic materials (clay and glazes) are made from finely ground minerals and if not handled correctly can pose a general respiratory risk. 

Students assume the risk for any and all accidental injuries that may occur in use of equipment and facilities with awareness of the inherent hazards of a Studio environment, which include, but are not limited to, use of sharp tools and sharp edges and the risks associated with breathing dust.


No cell phone use in the communal area. Please kindly take all calls outside. This helps maintain a creative, focused atmosphere.


Please collect your finished work as soon as possible. You will receive an email following your class when all work is fired. Any finished ceramic work that is not collected within 3 months of the end of the class, workshop or course will be donated or disposed of..


Your ceramic work will be handled by trained professional staff. There is always a risk of occasional technical errors and breakages for which I cannot be held responsible. Please do not move another person's unfired work and notify staff if it is necessary to move someone else's work to retrieve your own.


Please be respectful and courteous at all times. We reserve the right to exclude any offending parties from the studio at any time if behavior in our opinion is deemed dangerous, inappropriate or causes (or has the potential to cause) offense, harm or injury.

Please ensure you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions. Completion of our booking process and making a deposit or full payment constitutes your understanding and acceptance of our terms and conditions and thus forms your contract with Beza Studio.